Hi there!, I am Sanya Ramchandani. I am second year student, pursuing B-tech from Computer Science and Engineering from Government Engineering College, Bilaspur (C.G.), India.

Programmer & Web Developer.
- Birthday: 30 Dec 2000
- City: Bilaspur(C.G)
- Degree: Bechelor
- Email:sanya30122000@gmail.com
Apart from my studies, I am very passionate and dedicated to learning new things. I like to design and code beautifully simple things, and I love what I do. I am interested in Python programming, Web-Development, Competitive-Programming, Open-source Contribution, Cyber-security, presenting myself and many more.
Apart from my studies, I also possess a knowledge of Front-End-Development. I learned the basics of Html5, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript. I always tried to make the project related to what I learned. I have designed a dummy- site which uses CSS and Bootstrap. Currently, I am working on designing other website templates.

Career Objective
To pursue a challenging career and be a part of a progressive organisation that gives scope to enhance my knowledge, skills and to reach the pinaccle in the computing and research feild with sheer determination, dedication and hard work.
Sanya Ramchandani
A motivated, personable and innovative student is pursuing B-tech in Computer Science at the university of Government Engineering College Bilaspur (C.G.)
- Kalyan bagh, Rajkishore Nagar, Bilaspur
- 91-7987779982
- sanya30122000@gmail.com
Bechelor of Technology & Computer Science
2019 - 2023
Government Engineering College, Chhattisgarh, India
Higher Secondary Education
2016 - 2018
Loyola School, Chhattisgarh, India
Hard Skills
- Python
- C++
- Html
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
Soft Skills
- Punctual
- Hard-work
- Dedication
- Determination
Relevant Experience
C++ developer, Cppsecrets.com
Roles and Responsibility
Designed various projects related to C++.
Campus Ambassador, Internshala
Roles and Responsibility
- Promoting internshala in college.
- 3-star Coder(Codechef)
- 5-star coder in c,c++(Hackerrank)
- 4-star Coder in Problem Solving Skills(Hackerrank)
- Got selected as E-cell Ambassador from IIT Bombay
- Participated in Hactoberfest and created 7 Pull requests
Trainings and Certificates
- Gaming With Python (Certificate)
- Programming Fundamentals (Certificate)
- Programming With Python (Certificate)
Mini Projects
- Tindog Project
- My Portfolio
Link : Tindog
Hobbies And Interests
- Explore New and Trending Technologies
- Acting
Minor Projects
Tindog Project is a dummy site which was designed by me and is commonly based on the advertisement of Dogs.

Tindog Project
Kalyan Bagh, Rajkishore Nagar, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, India
91+ 7987779982